This is my mum..Mak saye kat KOREA sekarang!!X sabar sangat nak ambik mak saya esok!!..I am just 2 happy..cannot wait-cannot wait when she comes back..sajer je nak edit gambar ni..hehe.. x da keje..!!Bye2..!!
Niena,my greatest sis in the world..She likes to take a picture of herself.!.I don't have anything to say now so Bye-Bye..And please open her blogger and comment her blogspot.!.
This is my family..Ni gambar masa RaYa 2007.!!.Saya yang kat (kiri) tepi saya is my father,yang duduk tengah tu Irfan,tepi dia is my mother yang ade kat KOREA!!..Last kali yang kat (kanan) is my sister.Cool tak??Emm..don't no what to say now,bye-bye.!!.